08. When you feel the Dead End
(세상 끝에 선 그대)


(in English)

I don't know how would you make your decisions when you meet the hopelessness. At least, i can understand you and i'll respect your any of decisions. You're not the only one who feels like knocking on heaven's door. But life is not a tunnel.. that is what i could talk for you.

(in Korean)

난 당신이 지금 벼랑끝에서 어떠한 결정을 할지 모르겠다. 하지만 이 곡을 통해 하나는 알려주고 싶었다. 최소한 나는 당신을 이해할 수 있으며 당신의 어떠한 결정도 존중할 수 있음을.. 당신만 그곳에 서있었던 것이 아니었음을 꼭 알려주고 싶었다.

tennel vision(터널 시야)

Definition: The term "tunnel vision" is used to describe a constricted field of vision in which a person retains their central vision, but has a lack of peripheral vision. Also referred to as a "tubular field" by eye doctors, tunnel vision is much like looking through a small tube. People with tunnel vision often have a difficult time navigating in dim lighting, such as in a dark movie theater.

Although stroke and retinal detachment can cause restricted visual fields, true tunnel vision is most often caused by severe glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa. - By Troy Bedinghaus, O.D. Vision Expert

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